How to install npm build manager on LinuxLite OS

Written by Administrator on Thursday April 9, 2020

To install npm build manager on LinuxLiteOS you have first download an archive (you will get nodejs and npm) from

After downloading unpack it:

$ tar -xvf node-v12.16.2-linux-x64.tar.xz -C /opt

Then let's take a look, what is inside:

$ ls /opt/node-v12.16.2-linux-x64/bin

what we see:

$ node  npm  npx

So, let's try to run them (if it works :):

So, now we are here:

$ /opt/node-v12.16.2-linux-x64/bin

In order to verify, if program is installed, it's enough to check the version:

$ ./node --version
$ v12.16.2

Node works! Good. Let's continue with npm and npx:

$ ./npm --version

npm works too.

$ ./npx --version
$ 6.14.4

npx works too.

Well done!