How to install Privoxy in Trident Linux (Void Linux)? [with screenshots]

Written by Administrator on Sunday April 19, 2020

Privoxy is very popular customizable proxy server for Linux.

Install Privoxy

In Trident Linux you can install it using xbps package manager. To install privoxy, run:

$ sudo xbps-install privoxy


install privoxy on Trident Linux (Void linux) from command line

$ sudo xbps-install privoxy

Name    Action    Version           New version            Download size
privoxy install   -                 3.0.28_1               457KB 

Size to download:              457KB
Size required on disk:        1966KB
Space available on disk:       280GB

Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y

[*] Downloading packages
privoxy-3.0.28_1.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 7143KB/s]
privoxy-3.0.28_1.x86_64.xbps: 457KB [avg rate: 59KB/s]
privoxy-3.0.28_1: verifying RSA signature...

[*] Collecting package files
privoxy-3.0.28_1: collecting files...

[*] Unpacking packages
privoxy-3.0.28_1: unpacking ...

[*] Configuring unpacked packages
privoxy-3.0.28_1: configuring ...
Created privoxy () system group.
Created privoxy (privoxy) system user.
privoxy-3.0.28_1: installed successfully.

1 downloaded, 1 installed, 0 updated, 1 configured, 0 removed.
Let's check, if privoxy is installed:
$ privoxy --version


Privoxy version 3.0.28 (

Privoxy is installed.

Starting privoxy

Now privoxy proxy server is installed and became a service in our system. To run privoxy, we do the same as with every other service, we use sv command:

$ sudo sv up privoxy

Stopping privoxy

$ sudo sv down privoxy

Checking status

In case you don't know if privoxy is running or not, get status:

$ sudo sv status privoxy

Restarting privoxy

In case you don't know if privoxy is running or not, get status:

$ sudo sv restart privoxy

Troubleshooting:  Error: "unable to change to service directory: file does not exist"

In case you have this type of error:

fail: privoxy: unable to change to service directory: file does not exist

It means that when Runit service management starts, it looks for a service in /var/service, but doesn't find it. You can solve this problem with making syslink:

$ ln -s /etc/sv/privoxy /var/service