How to download and install FileZilla in openSUSe Linux [with screenshots]

Written by Administrator on Saturday April 4, 2020

FileZilla is famouse FTP manager in Linux. Now we'll try to download and install it. In my case I use openSUSE Linux, but this is manual is usable for other Linux distributios as well. So, visit and download installation archive (on screenshot it's checked "Open with Engrampa", but choose "Save File"):

You should know, in which folder you can find downloaded files through your browser. I know, that Firefox is saving dowloaded files in /home/dima/Downloads. So, I'm going here:

$ cd /home/dima/Downloads

Let's check, where we have there:

Yes, downloaded archive is here. Let's unpack this archive:

$ tar -xvf /home/dima/Downloads/FileZilla_3.47.2.1_x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.bz2 -C /home/dima

What that command means? Programm for unpacking has name tar. Then we use arguments for modify the behavior of the program the way we want:

  • -xvf : means  --extract --verbose --file . After this we should give the name of the file we want to unpack (including path).
  • -C : means that we want extract archive in specific folder. If we don't use this parameter, system will unpack an archive in the same folder, where archive is. For example, me, I don't want to unpack downloaded archive into /home/dima/Downloads, so I asking program to unpack in different folder (/home/dima). That's why after -C I'm writing the folder I want archive to be unpacked into.

Then you will see the process of unpacking of downloaded FileZilla archive:

Now, let's see, what we've decompressed. Let's go to a folder, in which we decompressed the archive and see, what we have here:

$ cd /home/dima
$ ls

What se see:

We see folder, in which we decompressed an archive. Ok, let's look inside:

$ cd FileZilla3

and list files and folders inside:

$ ls

Good. We have bin folder. Let's see, what is inside, surely, we'll find a file to start FileZilla program:

$ cd bin/
$ ls -la

Ready, FileZilla is installed!

Category: linux Tags: tar FileZilla FTP