How to convert .cap file to .hccapx in LinuxLite OS?

Written by Administrator on Monday April 6, 2020

Conversion of .cap files to .hccapx is very fast and simple while using opensource-utility cap2hccapx, which is part of tools in hashcat-utils package (read: How to install hashcat-utils)

It's enough to run a command cap2hccapx using following parameter shceme:

$ cap2hccapx.bin <source: .cap file> <destination: .hccapx file>

Let's look, how it works on real example.

So, I have installed hashcat-utils in following folder:

$ cd /home/edustorage/hashcat-utils/src/ 

Now we can run conversion

$ sudo ./cap2hccapx.bin /home/lovermann/hs/ICE_C0-FD-84-E0-24-0F.cap /home/lovermann/hs/ICE.hccapx

Ok, let's check, if we have .hccapx file:

$ find /home/lovermann/hs -name "*hccapx*"

Yes, it's there. Conversion was succesfull!