Overview for linux-mint

How to install Flameshot in Linux Mint? [with screenshots]

Flameshot is very powerful and easy-to-use screenshot manager for every linux distro. Embedded screenshot managers are very small and fast programs, but offer very limited functionality. If you want to install Flameshot in Linux Mint, just run following command in Linux Mint terminal:

$ sudo apt-get install flameshot


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Written by Administrator on Friday May 1, 2020

How to find your IP address in Linux Mint?

The simplest and the fastes way to find your IP address in Linux Mint is to run the following command in linux terminal:

$ hostname -I

But this is an example, how to find your IP address in internal network. In case you are looking for an external IP address (the address you have in internet), you should run a command:

$ curl ifconfig.me


$ curl ident.me

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Written by Administrator on Friday May 1, 2020