Overview for md5

How to verify the checksum of a downloaded file in Solus OS Linux

Why do you need checksum?

Checksum serves to verify, that there was no corruption while downloading a file and that original file is the same as you have on your hard disk after downloading.

First of all you have to get correct checksum of the downloaded file from owner of the file or website, where you got that file. Normally you will see something like this:

SHA-256 checksum: c66aa2a0d49d5eced6f95dcb2f029907791e7b26c3381747318cce0007fbc198
md5: c3b3d4bc455ee51147e41c8f6b2d5c2a

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Written by Administrator on Tuesday April 7, 2020

How to create md5 hash from a string in Linux

Syntax for creating md5 hash in vert simple:

echo -n "mystring" | md5sum

If case you need to store created hash in a file, you can easily do it. For example we want to store md5 hash in "hash.md5" file:

$ echo -n "mystring" | md5sum >> hash.md5

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Written by Administrator on Sunday March 22, 2020