How to install Flameshot in Devuan Linux [with screenshots]

Written by Administrator on Thursday April 23, 2020

Flameshot screenshot manager is not included in standard Devuan repositories, so we need to add Stretch-Backports repository (from Debian) in order to install it on your Devuan Linux system.

Adding Stretch-Backports repository

Open file /etc/apt/sources.list .

$ sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list

In my case:

sources.list file in Devuan

and add this line:

deb stretch-backports main

adding stretch-backports repository in Devuan

Then save /etc/apt/sources.list and save your changes.

After that we have to update repositories:

$ sudo apt update

After this we can install Flameshot by running the following command in terminal:

$ sudo apt-get -t stretch-backports install flameshot

The whole process in one screenshot:

installation of Flameshot in Devuan Linux

That's all, Flameshot is installed. Let's run gui version:

$ flameshot gui