How to list only files (not directories/folders) in current directory in Julia [with screenshots]
To list files in current directory and exclude counting directories (sub-directories) in current folder we just use readdir() function and then we count only files.
Let's see, what we have in a directory (files and directories):
$ ls
dima@linux-zsrx:~/julia> ls
bookings hello-world.jl
books.txt libs
count_files.jl list_only_files.jl
You see, that we have two directories ("libs" and "bookings") and the rest are files. Our goal is to list only files and exclude directories (folders). Let's create a file with the name list_only_files.jl in order to use it in every directory we want, and put following code into it:
files_and_dirs = readdir(pwd()) # reading files and directory
for x in files_and_dirs
if isfile(x) # ensuring we count only files
println(x) # print the name of a file
Then let's save the file and test, if it does, what we want:
$ julia list_only_files.jl
As you see, we don't see libs and bookings directories, but only files. It means we did everything correct.
In this example we used openSUSE Leap 15.1 Linux distribution and julia version 1.0.3: